Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Video

In the link above you will discover a fun children's video of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. The story had been transformed into a cute and catchy song that I believe children will absolutely adore. When I came across this video, I began to search for ways that I could incorporate it into my Pre-K and Kindergarten curriculum. Even though it is crucial for children to utilize books to imagine and fantasize, it is best sometimes for children to actually see their books expressed through video and song, especially for children who are learning their alphabet. This particular video not only allows for kiddos to see their favorite letters talk, sing, dance, climb, and even cry, but they are also subconsciously learning their alphabet in a fun and creative way. One aspect that I enjoy in the video as well as the book is that Bill Martin Jr. never mixes up his alphabet. B always follows A and C always preeceeds D. The song can even be viewed as a new and improved alphabet song.

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